Audubon Sketches Online
While this pandemic year continues to pose a challenge to live events, we are thrilled to share Chris Chandler’s Audubon Sketches in an upcoming virtual Earth Day performance on the Earth Day Art Model Telematic Festival!
A few weeks ago we all logged on to make a remote recording of this wonderfully meditative music. Previous performances of Audubon Sketches have taken place outdoors or in other unconventional locations that encourage listeners to interact with the spaces around them. So how did we translate that kind of experience to a virtual space? Well, it only took:
-Field recordings of birds and wind
-16 rocks
-2 tree branches
-3 melodicas
-A battery of auxiliary instruments (some even homemade!)
-And 8 cheerful and creative musicians!
It was a joy to connect and make music with this amazing team, even in a virtual space. Of course we look forward to the next time we’re all together in person, but in the meantime we’re excited to share this beautiful music with you very soon!