Happy Spring!

Spring has finally sprung in our little corner of the world, and we are already gearing up for a great summer adventure! We'll be making an official announcement soon, so check back for some exciting updates in the near future.

In the meantime, last week director Emlyn Johnson and violist Emily Sheil spoke about Music in the American Wild, musical entrepreneurship, and community engagement with a class at University of Maryland. Thanks to professor Lee Hinkel for inviting us to speak with his class! We've also been back in the studio finishing up the mixing process and heading toward mastering..... meaning our album is nearly complete! Woo!

Since we last wrote, we also had a great performance at the Women's Rights National Historical Park in Seneca Falls, NY, in which we premiered a dynamic new work for soprano and ensemble by Caroline Mallonee. Thanks to our generous audience for coming out to support us even in the aftermath of a huge blizzard, and a great thanks to the staff at the WRNHP who were wonderful partners in this event.

See you in the wild!